Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Update of My Blog

I just wanted to post an update to my followers on this page...

I  find myself posting to my other blog more frequently since it's all encompassing about my life, my work, my thoughts. So if you'd still like to stay up to date and read my current postings, please feel free to check it out at...

See you soon!

Monday, November 26, 2012

DUN...DUN...DUN...It's Family Portrait Time

Being a parent is the toughest job on the planet!

There are so many things to remember, worry about, laugh at, stress over, etc. Thinking about taking  family portraits just adds another dimension to the mix that many parents quite honestly dread. As a parent myself, I know how scary it can be to think about.  We wonder how we're going to get them to stand still for one second, let alone smile while looking towards the camera all at the same time? Talk about becoming a magician. I think it might actually be easier to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

Then there is the horrifying thought of your child crying/screaming during the entire shoot. What happens then?

On one of my recent photo shoots, 2 out of the 3 children were very unhappy with the entire photography process. They were upset for about 80% of the session time. I know that as a photographer it is my job to make my clients (including children) feel as comfortable as possible. So needless to say; I felt like a failure that day. I actually left the shoot crying, thinking that I had blown the whole thing and that the parents just wasted their time.

After careful thought, I've decided that the lesson from this shoot is that kids are simply unpredictable. And that is okay. I just need to roll with the punches and give 110% no matter what the situation.

The message I hope to relay to all parents is:
I, your photographer, will never give up on your shoot, and will work together with you through all of the crying, screaming, and giggling. After photographing these two parents with their 3 beautiful kids, I left sad for the stress that they had to endure. I want them, and all parents, to know that I totally understand that kids have bad days. Shoot...I have bad days all the time. :)

But, at the end of every storm there is beauty. So, as a parent, feel free to take a deep breath. And as long as we work together, we'll capture those moments to remember.

I want to give a special thanks to the Scott Family for allowing me to take their photographs this Christmas and for the experience I acquired during the shoot. I hope that they enjoy the images that capture this season of their lives. 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Guerin Family

I recently had the joy of photographing the Guerin Family as they are expecting a new addition very soon. It was so much fun hanging out with them on a fabulous Saturday afternoon,  that fortunately gave us some decently cool weather. I remember being pregnant in the summer and it was not a pretty sight to see me outside in the sun after 10 minutes. Suzanne, on the other hand, is absolutely gorgeous. She radiates beauty from every angle; matter how I shot her, she was stunning. Kevin and the kids were equally quite photographic and I truly adored how fun they are together.

Kevin and Suzanne, I want to thank you for privilege of sharing in this special moment with your family. I can't wait to meet you're little man!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Rustic Perspectice

So I know I'm not the most faithful blogger. It's a good thing I made this a goal and not a resolution this year. (If you're a bit confused at this point, please feel free to check out ~My 2012 Goals~). However, I still find this experience to be a worth while venture....even if it does take me a month to write each post these days.

Last week, my folks were out of town on vacation. I was, of course, given the unglamorous job of watching over the house and feeding their pets everyday. This becomes quite a challenge with my schedule (and I only live one mile away). On one sunny afternoon my kids begged me to stay for awhile so they could play in the backyard and keep Bruiser, their adorable Bogle, company. I decided to pull my camera out and take in a few shots while I was enjoying the sudden free time we just created.

As I walked around my parents backyard, my perspective of my childhood home shifted as I took a deeper look from behind my lens. The little things that I often never notice were very present in my sight. The old eye sores that I'm constantly scolding my parents about and encouraging them to throw away, suddenly became pieces important pieces to story of their lives. I started to see the beauty in the clutter and half maintained plant life. My Dad's junk pile mysteriously transformed into this treasure full of stories that I can share with my kids.

I found old items that I made as a kid. Things that I'd made either in metal shop, wood shop, or even younger. I had discarded these items from my mind years ago. Yet my Dad still had them tucked away in his mound of what I considered "junk".  Maybe, it's the realization that time has slipped by so fast or the fact that "their" time has been measured by something so different than my own. I'm not sure exactly what happened in that moment, but I do know that I now look at my childhood home in a completely different light.

This is the house I grew up in and it oozes my parents from every square foot. However, instead of looking on as if it was caught in a time warp lacking modern style, I see the various odds and ends as segments in a storyline. The story of their life....and mine.

Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go.
~Henry Austin Dobson

Side Note: After I walked around for about an hour looking at everything, I realized I hadn't seen Bruiser in a while. I found him snoozing inside the air conditioned house. Apparently, he had opened the back door and let himself in. 
Such a spoiled dog :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bloopers, Blunders, and other Random Rookie Mistakes

Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster.   
 ~Weston H. Ago 

I picked up my camera for the first time about a year ago this March. As I sit here and reflect about this past year I am reminded of so many moments of awkwardness and quite a few mistakes along the way. The thought of it all puts such a smile upon my face as I see how far I've come in such a short amount of time. 

I am what you call a wall-bud. Now for those of you who need a definition...

Wall-bud: A more timid and distressed version of it's sister the wall-flower. 

A wall-flower is a shy person who has started the blossoming process to near completion. A wall-bud is still nervously waiting to spread it's petals, fearful that it's beauty will be squashed at the first stroke of light.  

So imagine the hilarity of a wall-bud becoming a photographer! In theory it seems as though photography would be a perfect match for the quiet, inquisitive, and artful wall-bud....but in order to photograph people I must converse with them. This is quite intimidating for someone like me. I am constantly stumbling over my words and descriptions of what I'm trying to achieve in the shot and then I fear I'm sounding quite unprofessional and unqualified. I'm sure it's probably quite commical if one were to watch from the sidelines.

With this in mind, you can only imaging how my first photo shoots went down. I would converse as little as possible leaving my clients to feel quite confused and probably alone in front of my camera. I feel almost mortified as I think back on those moments. However, I'm grateful for the learning curve it has provided for me and my future clients. I'm not saying I'm a full blown "flower" yet, but I think I'm starting to show a few more petals.

As a new photographer you can imagine my sheer thrill of the opportunity to photograph the "Pictures with Santa" this past December at Light The Night in Eastvale. It was such a fun experience and also another learning curve. I sat down the other day to look back on the event in order to brainstorm ways I can make the next event in April even better and more efficient. However, as I was taking this step back I went through the photos taken and realized that Lightroom had failed to upload all of the photos from that night. I then checked my online gallery and saw that sure enough I was missing a whopping 130 photos! During the holidays I had several people ask for more photos and I checked and rechecked and never saw that I was missing those photos. So needless to say, I feel completely awful and quite foolish at the moment. At least I know I will never make that mistake again.

I am a natural light photographer that is still learning about reflectors and manipulating the sunlight. I had one family shoot this year outside at a local park. I wanted to capture the glow of sunset in the sky so I decided to set the time close to sunset (obviously). Bad idea! Much to this sprouting photographer's surprise....once the sun starts to set, it goes I was desperate to catch as much as I could in that short amount of time. I was starting to have a near panic attack as I was in a race with the sun and he wasn't taking any prisoners. In the end I had quite a few grainy shots that just didn't show the type of work I want to be known for. I have learned that I want to continue to push myself to become a better photographer, but I need to know my camera and my abilities and make sure I don't push too far.

Overall, this year has been a wonderful learning experience as I continue to move along this journey of photography. I can't wait to see what mistakes I make this year!

They say the Elephant never forgets, so I'm going to channel my inner-elephant and strive to make these mistakes count.

Now on a more serious note...

I would like to publicly apologize to the people who couldn't find their photos this Christmas. It was completely my error and I thank you for being so gracious about my blunder. I have now posted the rest of the images and you are all more than welcome to check them out if you're still interested.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Photography Challenge

This February I've decided to take on the Photography Challenge I found on Pinterest. Each day I'm given a topic to take a photo of and it's been a wonderful challenge so far. I have taken photos of things that I normally wouldn't think to take a picture of and it also gives me a reason to get out there and use my camera. I love photography and I'm really enjoying the little moments I catch each day. So if anyone else wants to join me in this challenge feel free to check out my photography board on Pinterest. I would love to see what everyone takes photos of so feel free to post them here if you'd like to share. Here are a few that I have completed so far...

Who wouldn't enjoy this view everyday? My son is such a fun person to hang out with. He is showing me his spins here. :)

These guys actually go to my church, but I figured it was a safer way to take a photo. ;)

This photo comes from a passion and a single piece of paper. I've had a few comments on this photo already and all I did was sit down with a pen and just write how I felt. It doesn't take much to make a difference in this world. So find what you're passionate about and go after it. Every masterpiece has started with one brave step and a bucket full of passion. Grab your brush folks.... and paint.

GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING"     ~Edmund Burke

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Post Super Bowl Day

So yesterday was the Super Bowl and like every other great American I enjoyed watching all of the new commercials that came out. I decided to share a few just in case you missed them and happen to have the same humor/taste as I do....

~The Voice: I've never watched the show, but this commercial was pretty cute. I especially loved the ending since the unknown singer is one of my favorite actresses. I still can't believe how much her career has soared since the first facebook post about her hosting SNL.

~Vampire Party: So of course I would pick the Twilight spoof commercial. I know that many of us out there take into consideration the vampire killing ability of a cars headlights before purchasing our next vehicle. :)

~VW: Now I'm a sucker for anything involving dogs or Star Wars. So putting them together in this commercial was genius! Well I think so anyway...although I didn't see this one play yesterday...maybe it was during a chips and dip run to the kitchen. 
~Coca Cola: Of course these are the most adorable bears in the advertising business, but also we need to "bear" in mind that the polar bears are in danger due to environmental factors. I think it's a great way for Coca Cola to give back to a very important cause.

~Chrysler/America's Half Time: The best commercial of the year. Even though it's a car commercial it still had the most to say. It really tugged at my heart strings with where we are in America today and gave a sense of hope for the future. It does remind us to think about our purchases and make sure we strive to support American made products, for in return they support all of us....American's.